Cybersecurity, SOC - HN article

It doesn't work according to a pre-defined manual and one person cannot do it alone

HN Online, 29.10.2021

When and where did the idea of ​​SOC originate, what was the inspiration, what is the degree of understanding and understanding for the role of SOC on the Slovak market, what professions are occupied in SOC, where to take them, how to educate them?

In the October supplement to HN Cyber ​​Security, which is devoted to the topic of SOC, Ing. Miloslava Gábrišová, technical director, from Energotel.

You can find the article at:

Cybersecurity, SOC - HN article

It doesn't work according to a pre-defined manual and one person cannot do it alone

HN Online, 29.10.2021

When and where did the idea of ​​SOC originate, what was the inspiration, what is the degree of understanding and understanding for the role of SOC on the Slovak market, what professions are occupied in SOC, where to take them, how to educate them?

In the October supplement to HN Cyber ​​Security, which is devoted to the topic of SOC, Ing. Miloslava Gábrišová, technical director, from Energotel.

You can find the article at:

Where to find us

Energotel, a.s.
Miletičova 7
821 08  Bratislava
The Slovak Republic