Annual reports

Annual Report 2023

The year 2023 was for Energotel, a.s. a period of intense activity and constant efforts to strengthen the market position. The world of telecommunications in Slovakia is dynamic and full of challenges, and we are glad that we are able to respond to these challenges. We continue to rely on a high-quality network infrastructure that enables us to provide high-speed services with exceptional stability. The results achieved for 2023 exceeded our expectations. We would like to continue in the established direction and use the dynamics of development for further growth. We are convinced that our effort and determination will move us even further forward and Energotel, a.s. will enable further successful operation on the market.

Annual Report 2022

Energotel, a.s. is dedicated to substantial investments in its network infrastructure to ensure the delivery of high-speed Internet and premium services to its clientele. The company extends a variety of wholesale services, encompassing Internet access, data services, and virtual private network solutions. Energotel has actively cultivated and persists in fostering new strategic collaborations with telecommunications enterprises to broaden its operational domain and furnish an expanded array of services. This includes cyber security solutions, as well as hardware and services from esteemed brands such as Dell, Huawei, and Cisco.

Annual Report 2021

In the past year, in this difficult situation, Energotel, a.s. has therefore fully concentrated on being a reliable business partner and a responsible employer. The key priority of Energotel, a.s. was to continue to develop infrastructure, develop technologies, build a pro-customer focus associated with finding customised solutions, which have contributed to high customer loyalty. From the beginning, Energotel, a.s. decided to see all changes as opportunities. This approach also made it possible to introduce cybersecurity services into the portfolio of offered services in 2021.

Annual Report 2020

The trend of new customers arrival continued also this year, mainly due to the expansion of our network coverage.   Alongside the telecommunications services we prepared some new services addressing cyber and Internet security. Our customers can thus use our extended service portfolio on top of the modern and stable telecommunication network.

Annual Report 2019

The market operated by Energotel, a.s. has undergone significant changes in recent years. Consolidation of telecommunication and IT companies continues. Construction of fiber optic infrastructure is moving at a brisk pace. Lease of intercity optics infrastructure has taken off. Telecommunication businesses largely invest into their own transport data networks. Yet, Energotel has managed to meet its set financial objectives.

Annual Report 2018

Energotel, a.s. has left behind a successful year of 2018 with all its set goals achieved. Successful completion of the implementation of new technology into the IP/MPLS and DWDM network, which brought along an overall increase in the network capacity and availability, contributed to this result to a considerable extent. Naturally, this is not the end to our network innovation efforts since we are to increase the number of network POPs and make the changes in logical configuration with respect to the needs of our customers and the availability and operation of our services.

Annual Report 2017

In 2017, Energotel, a.s. managed to hold its own against all new challenges appearing on the telecommunication market, met all the business goals set and entered the new year with the vision to further enhance its service portfolio and extend the infrastructure coverage within the Slovak territory.

Annual Report 2016

Last year, Energotel, a.s. also took steps with technological innovations. We have implemented a complete upgrade of the IP/MPLS network. These changes have been professionally handled by our technical department and have no impact on the operation of our customer service.

The new technology, in addition to more efficient network management, enables us to implement an increase in the transferred capacity and is prepared to handle the projected future volume of traffic for us and our customers.

Annual Report 2015

We have another successful year for which we would like to thank you all. We have to honestly confess that it was not easy, but we managed to achieve revenue growth over the previous year.

Without you, our customers, and your trust in our service and our professionalism, we would not have achieved this result. At the same time, we believe that an important factor influencing our stable position is also the high quality of our services, which is a commitment and a challenge for us in the future. 

Annual Report 2014

Though we experienced a slight recovery in the telecommunications market in 2014, there is still a strong pressure on the price of the services we provide. However, good strategic decisions, a professional approach, and a well-thought-out company management strategy have maintained permanent customer interest as well as increased economic performance and a market position despite the ever-increasing demand in the telecommunications sector.

The company’s goal is to maintain the position of an important player in the market with telecommunications services in the future, which cannot be ensured only by the continuing trend of excellent operation and services but by the emphasis on innovation that is a prerequisite for stability in an ever-changing environment.

Annual Report 2013

2013 was a sign of an ongoing recession in the telecommunications market, which led customers to being careful with buying and a strong focus on the price. In spite of these negatives, Energotel has been able to meet the stated turnaround targets and to implement strategic decisions.

From a customer perspective, we have been able to maintain the high quality standard of our services with the current price attractiveness, which has returned in the form of client loyalty and joint project development. We went through a number of selected actions throughout the year and we were successful in the vast majority of cases.

Financial Statements 2013

In accordance with the amendment to Accounting Act No. 431/2002 and 352/2013, we are publishing separate financial statements for the year 2013.

Annual Report 2012

The past year of 2012 could be called the year of organizational change. The shareholders decided on changes in company management, resulting in the separation of company’s strategic management from executive management. The main objective was to create a strategic link between the company and its shareholders while improving internal communication and decision-making processes through more direct reporting links and the competencies of its executive components. By the end of 2011 (actually with an impact in 2012), the new members of the Board of Directors were appointed directly from the shareholders; representatives.

Annual Report 2011

In 2011, Energotel, a.s. began the second decade of its existence.

We entered this period as a stabilized company in all respects. We have a high-quality transmission network and a dedicated staff.

The economic plan for 2011 set high targets we were able to meet, despite the major impact of the general economic crisis, also affecting the field of electronic communications.

Annual Report 2010

In 2010, Energotel, a.s. continued its strategy of providing wholesale services to international, national and regional operators as well as providing outsourcing for parent companies. All the 2010 sub-activities of the management in the field of trade, investment, employment and environmental protection were carried out in accordance with this intention.

Annual Report 2009

In 2009, Energotel confirmed its profile as a wholesale telecommunications operator, an outsourcing partner of its shareholders and a service provider to large customers and state administration.

Energotel, with significant support from its shareholders, successfully completed the expansion of its network capacities, following the extensive DWDM network development and the upgrading of the IP/MPLS backbone at 10 Gbps in 2008. By implementing these technologically advanced units into its production platform, Energotel significantly strengthened its position in the wholesale telecommunications market, in terms of capacity availability across Slovakia, as well as the stability and quality of its services.

Annual Report 2008

Key activities in 2008 were the construction of DWDM and MPLS based on CISCO technology. This network has become one of the most modern and most extensive in Slovakia. In the field of business, Energotel became a partner of the largest mobile service providers. This necessitated the further expansion of network capacity. At the end of 2008, preparations were made for this step, mainly in securing financial resources within the company’s budget. The construction will take place in the first half of 2009 and the Energotel network will have a capacity of 10 Gbps practically throughout its profile. This will create the preconditions for expanding the possibility of providing high-quality services on a larger scale than before so far.

Annual Report 2007

In 2007, however, Energotel was not just consolidating and optimizing processes, but above all defining its further strategic direction. In the future, Energotel will focus on two areas: outsourcing support for telecommunications services to Energotel’s shareholders and transport data transmission. At the same time, we declared a clear abandonment of the residential market. However, we still want to be a reliable partner for telecommunication service providers to end-users.

Annual Report 2006

The 2006 business year can be considered a year of change from the perspective of Energotel, a.s. This is in the light of the personnel exchanges that took place at the level of the board of directors, executive management, as well as defining the direction of the company for the future. Energotel is profiled as an outsourcing company to its shareholders, creating the conditions for a reliable functioning of the energy sector in Slovakia, as well as a mediator of capacities in the area of ​​telecommunication circuits. It has went from the ambition of providing end-users/households with services to free up capacities to fulfill Energotel's core tasks as well as deliver tailor-made client projects with higher added value.

Where to find us

Energotel, a.s.
Miletičova 7
821 08  Bratislava
The Slovak Republic